TCIT - TC Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd
APS (Forge) Success Story
TC Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd. BIM-powered digital twins optimize facility management and operations
AEC Construction
BIM + FM visual operation and maintenance platform
Utilize Autodesk APS (formerly Forge) service, the BIM Revit 3D model to be lightweighted. Then downloaded the lightweighted 3D BIM model onto the platform and integrated with the iBMS intelligent building management system (BA) via APS APIs to present the intuitive and friendly operation of buildings, equipment and pipelines with dynamic 3D visualization, shorten the processing time of equipment failure or accident alarms, reduce the impact on the daily operation of buildings, make operation and maintenance more efficient. Realize using BIM model for achieving the management of complete building life cycle. (BLM: Building Life Management).
In addition to providing the interaction between the object in the 2D plane drawing and the 3D spatial location, the 3D model rotation, translation, zoom, X, Y, and Z sections, and the object measurement length, angle, area, etc. It also provides many functions such as environmental control, intelligent video surveillance and real-time images, smart parking, public safety and disaster prevention guidance, navigation, drawing specification query, etc., and can take screenshots and alarm pushes to the LINE group for collaborative operation.
The platform can import multiple BIM Revit 3D (civil, structural, MEP) models, which is suitable for applications such as parks, hospitals, asset management companies, architectural firms, design institutes, etc., that need to design, operate and maintain building group management.
The traditional BA SCADA graphic control of the major electromechanical systems is integrated, therefore the 2D operation adds the 3D spatial position display of the equipment, and the original equipment information built in the BIM such as (COBie parameters), equipment specifications, and drawing files are integrated in the same operation screen. The platform has integrated CCTV/IVS (intelligent surveillance), occupied seat parking management system, electricity, air conditioning, water supply & drainage, fire protection and weak electricity subsystems, as well as energy management (including smart electricity, water meters, solar energy, etc.), work orders and inspection service functions.
3D BIM + FM Functional Tree
For reference only. Tailor maded based on requirements.
From iBMS (Building Management System ) to iCMS (City/Community Management System)
從 iBMS (Building Management System ) 到 iCMS (City/Community Management System) 園區、廠房、智慧城市與單一建築物的智慧管理平台的差異在於管理的範圍更大, 須同時監控的建物物更多以外, CCTV 監控、路燈、停管、澆灌、交通等公區設施運作也都需要納管。因此, 對告警要能更即時, 更迅速通報權責人員處理。(分享影片是針對火警發生時, 以熱雲圖呈現溫度變化, 並透過 LINE 以附截圖與錄影即時通報相關人員)。平常沒有火警可點選各建築物、各樓層顯示溫度/濕度/空氣品質之雲圖。
另外園區、工廠、智慧城市各建築物間的運轉數據如耗能、碳排、剩餘車位、告警、工單維修數量統計, 皆可在Dashboard 呈現全景/全貌的監控、數據統計與比較, 即時找出可能的異常。透過動畫軟體, 將原本BIM+FM的平台更直觀、友善與視覺優化。但仍然以 True BIM 模型為基礎, 以便在動畫內依然可以操作BIM模型和萃取模型內靜態參數, 讓以BIM為基礎的建築全生命週期可以延續。這也是邁向智慧城市數位孿生跨出真正第一步。